Category Archives: Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way

Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way, numbers 73 and 74

Recent entries from the Twitterverse: #73: “If you don’t heal what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you.” (Thanks, @mochamomma) #74: “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison every day and waiting for the other guy to … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #72

Cultivating anger is ultimately self-destructive. It’s also a choice, not a necessity. Philosopher Martha Nussbaum’s book, Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice, which I’ve recently read, provides a liberating framework for thinking about this topic. I’m sure I’m going to … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #71

There is almost always more variation within a subgroup than there is between subgroups. The thing about this is that we often make very flawed assumptions about people based on “trends” or “tendencies.” So, for example, while it is true … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #70

It’s not stupid to make a mistake the first time…

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #69

We’re never going to agree about everything, but we can continue to talk.

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #68

A person who sets out to insult or deliberately offend someone reveals nothing about their target, but much about themselves.

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #67

The job’s not done until you’ve cleaned up and put the tools away.

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #66

The belief that there can only be one winner comes from only looking at one measure of success.

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #65

We’re often presented with what appear to be binary choices–it has to be one thing or another. (This path/that path, good/bad, conserving/liberating.) The truth is that it is almost always both/and, not either/or.

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #64

The fallacy of the large economy size. There are two main reasons why buying in bulk often doesn’t save money: first, you use more because it’s handy and cheap; and second, it will expire before you use it all up.

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