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Tag Archives: observations about psychology
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #72
Cultivating anger is ultimately self-destructive. It’s also a choice, not a necessity. Philosopher Martha Nussbaum’s book, Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice, which I’ve recently read, provides a liberating framework for thinking about this topic. I’m sure I’m going to … Continue reading
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #70
It’s not stupid to make a mistake the first time…
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #68
A person who sets out to insult or deliberately offend someone reveals nothing about their target, but much about themselves.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #65
We’re often presented with what appear to be binary choices–it has to be one thing or another. (This path/that path, good/bad, conserving/liberating.) The truth is that it is almost always both/and, not either/or.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #63
Just because someone is good at ridiculing those they disagree with doesn’t make them right.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #61
The people who most invoke strong feelings in you (anger, disgust, fear, hatred, etc.) are the ones who have the most to teach you.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #59
Nothing is ever as simple as you think it is.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #56
People do what makes sense to them. If they do things that don’t make sense to you, it’s because there’s something you don’t understand. Don’t judge them until you’ve made a serious effort to put yourself in their place.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #55
JD Landis says that all things become more difficult the longer you don’t do them.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #54
Olympic track coach Jack Lynch says that the purpose of competition is to bring out your best performance, not to diminish your competitor. (The winning that really matters is when you are able to exceed your own expectations of yourself!)