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Monthly Archives: February 2018
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #55
JD Landis says that all things become more difficult the longer you don’t do them.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #54
Olympic track coach Jack Lynch says that the purpose of competition is to bring out your best performance, not to diminish your competitor. (The winning that really matters is when you are able to exceed your own expectations of yourself!)
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #53
Corollary to Murphy’s Law: Before you can do anything, you have to do something else first.
Posted in Lessons I've Learned the Hard Way
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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #52
Haitian proverb: If you say hello to the Devil, he’ll eat you. If you don’t say hello to the Devil, he’ll eat you.
Posted in Lessons I've Learned the Hard Way
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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #51
For the most part, people do what they want to do, and don’t do what they don’t want to do.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #50
Drama teacher extraordinaire Gertrude Slack used to tell us not to worry if we blew our lines because nobody in the audience really knows the script.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #49
It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s when you “know” something that actually isn’t true.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #48
Any way of seeing is also a way of not seeing.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #47
The vast majority of people are smart and well-intentioned.
Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #46
Summed up in an African proverb that says: He who steps in cow dung does not die. I love this proverb! Embarrassment is temporary. 🙂