Monthly Archives: November 2018

Astronomy nerd awakes!

Every once in a while, my natural science nerd comes out. Today it was triggered by a Facebook meme saying that the day is actually 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds. So, I had to expound a bit: So, … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way, numbers 73 and 74

Recent entries from the Twitterverse: #73: “If you don’t heal what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you.” (Thanks, @mochamomma) #74: “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison every day and waiting for the other guy to … Continue reading

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Check out The Lady Killers

A new movie by Phil Leirness at Rational Exuberance, The Lady Killers is a dark comedy that examines misogyny through the lens of a game played by seven men. I just saw the film–it was provocative, discomforting, and terrific. Not … Continue reading

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