Monthly Archives: July 2018

Deregulation and innovation in higher education

Here’s an article in today’s (7/31/18) Inside Higher Ed about Education Secretary DeVos’s push to deregulate and innovate in higher education. I’m pretty sure that deregulating for-profit education is a bad idea which has already failed spectacularly and repeatedly. But … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #72

Cultivating anger is ultimately self-destructive. It’s also a choice, not a necessity. Philosopher Martha Nussbaum’s book, Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice, which I’ve recently read, provides a liberating framework for thinking about this topic. I’m sure I’m going to … Continue reading

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Facebook, it appears we must redefine the nature of our association

In this wonderful scene from the movie Tombstone, Doc Holliday, played by Val Kilmer, learns that his tuberculosis is getting worse, and he decides to send his girlfriend away. But first, she denies that there’s a problem and feeds one … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #71

There is almost always more variation within a subgroup than there is between subgroups. The thing about this is that we often make very flawed assumptions about people based on “trends” or “tendencies.” So, for example, while it is true … Continue reading

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Lessons I’ve learned the hard way #70

It’s not stupid to make a mistake the first time…

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